a balance of the unique
ends and means
can be a spiritual path
nourishing you on your way
or a path filled with dark
death, and destruction

life, hope, and love
this is the path the light treads
building these will make one stronger:
a person, a community, a nation, a planet.
A plant, an animal, a person, a planet
all have found the force in themselves,
all have walked spiritual paths.

Bring many positive dreams
on this journey
It is a long one
and it helps
to have something to do
and Plus!
dreams can grow!

To build a strong people
you've got to feed them
good things, good people
bad things, bad people
Like two coyotes vying

Through their diversity
life, hope, and love
may nourish you on your way
while building will make one stronger
on this journey
of two coyotes warring inside