Progress is Independence
the meaning of it all
the myth of self-made-men
and the pinnacle of the all seeing
the meaning behind flight
the root of civilization
the cry of the newborn
and the dying sigh of senescence
The undying revolution of the heart

houses our souls.
A building with four corners
Industry, Markets, Nature, and Man
Supporting an upper floor
with God, Jobs, Leisure, and Tools
And Tools, and tools
These build our independence too
with a little of everything

protecting from the strife of life
that rains voice of doubt
and shame and blame
and pain
While in service of the seven senses
to bring hope, life, and love.

While heavier burdens
build into the complex.
Understanding threatens to simplify
much into multiplexurality
with but basic relationships.

For when in Harmony,
the root of civilizations
builds with corners
supporting upper floors
building our independence
with a little of everything
in pleasing the seven senses,
while complex burdens
build up dead-ends.